Creative Space: Blog Love

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I’ve heard people remarking that we had such a long, cold winter that when the sun finally came out and the earth thawed, suddenly everyone came to life and started plotting and planning again!  That certainly seems true from my perspective, because I’ve had an incredible few months working on some really interesting projects!


I’ll sit down and write more in depth about the projects soon, but in the meantime I thought I’d share some of my favourite blogs with you.


As Google Reader counted down the days to it’s demise, I decided not to export my blog feeds to another client, but to use the opportunity to start afresh and compile a reading list that was more relevant to my interests right now!  Here are the first feeds I added to Bloglovin';


  • Gala Darling – of course!  For beautifully packaged, but sensible advice on living the life that’s right for you.
  • Nubby Twiglet – constant source of creative inspiration, design-related and blogging-related advice
  • Fivetwentythree – This is the personal blog of HauteMacabre co-founder Sam aka Fractal.  My favourite are her ‘Stacked’ posts with recommended reading – my first point of call when I need a new book to read!
  • Intertitles – I came across Jamie’s blog after I’d signed up for The Blogcademy and I immediately thought that we’d be such good friends if we lived on the same continent!  I love her blog’s style and tone, I think if you enjoy my little blog, you’ll definitely enjoy Intertitles! In her own words she blogs about ‘Music, Silent Film & Documentaries, the Arts, Travel, Geekery and other things that take my fancy’!
  • Lucy J Loves – Another of my fellow Blogcadets, I love Lucy’s quirky and original ideas – like her monthly personal challenges AND she links to the best content. Check her out, especially if you have a few hours to get lost in the interwebs!


Featured image by Kerri Cherry for a lovely project we’re working on!